Course to help you put your best foot forward

March 21, 2023 BY

High tech: Caleb Maxwell said he believes people who can communicate in an effective and engaging way have a real advantage during the “information age”. SOURCE: SUPPLIED

SMALL business owners who wish to enhance their online and face-to-face presentation skills can now attend a free masterclass at Emporium Creative Hub presented by Startup Central Victoria.

The masterclass will focus on strategies to engage and motivate an audience, how to speak with confidence, how to adapt to both face-to-face and online situations, and how to curate content.

Participants will be able to attend either in-person or via digital device.

Caleb Maxwell, session co-host and a creative entrepreneur in his own right as the founder of local video marketing company Hebron Films, said people will come away with practical strategies for how to present more confidently and how to structure a presentation in a way that leaves people energised instead of drained.

“I believe that with some strategies and a little practice, anyone can feel comfortable presenting in front of people and to a camera,” he said.

“We are well and truly in the information age and those who can share information in an effective and engaging way on all platforms are the ones who are going to be the most sought after in all industries and walks of life.

“For business owners, this skill is even more crucial.

“Until you have the luxury of hiring people that are better than you at everything, you will need to communicate every single day, and sometimes to larger audiences.

“Your presentation skills can either accelerate your growth journey or be a huge hand brake. My goal is to help you remove that handbrake so you only get better and more comfortable in all presentation opportunities.”

Join Caleb with Startup Victoria on Wednesday, 29 March from 4pm to 5.30pm at Emporium Creative Hub in Mitchell Street.

For more information visit