Creek clean up needs you

Spick and span: Wendy Cahill and Ruth Austin are getting ready to tidy up the McIvor Creek on Clean Up Australia Day. PHOTO: BARBARA SUNGAILA
THIS Sunday is Clean Up Australia Day and it’s time to come along and help clear part of the McIvor Creek at Heathcote.
Registration for the event will be at the rear of Barrack Reserve, near the angling club building, from 9am.
Heathcote and Surrounds All Ages Activities Committee spokesperson Ruth Austin said volunteers would be working on a section of the creek between Barrack Street and a point 50 metres east of Chauncey Street.
“We’ll be clearing small recently flood-affected timber and removing rubbish along the creek bed and banks,” she said.
“We’ve also been given permission to remove small bundles of twigs, logs and grasses caught between trees due to flowing flood water.”
Ms Austin said volunteers need to wear long trousers and covered footwear.
“Please bring your own shovel and rake,” she said. “Gloves will be provided.
“Fosterville Mine have donated a first aid kit and a snake bite kit to help keep everyone safe.
“We thank the Lions Club who will provide a barbecue from 11am till 1.30pm on the day and will have drinks for sale.
“It’s great working together as a community to keep our town clean.”
Ms Austin said anyone who wanted to join in on the day was welcome but children under 18 would need to be accompanied by a responsible adult for insurance reasons.
Clean Up Australia Day is this Sunday, 5 March and everyone is encouraged to take part.