
Cup Day fun at the RSL

November 10, 2023 BY

Everyone’s a winner: Sandra Kirby and Gus Martonhelyi enjoyed lunch and an afternoon of fun at the Heathcote RSL on Melbourne Cup Day. Photo: SANDRA JAMES

ATTENDEES at the annual Heathcote RSL Melbourne Cup lunch donned their best finery for a fun afternoon of entertainment.

“It was good to see so many attending given that it’s a crazy time of year with so many other events on at the same time,” said RSL Sub Branch secretary Michael Carroll.

“Everyone enjoyed the delicious food and the table decorations looked magnificent.”

Patrons enjoyed a chicken and champagne lunch, followed by sweeps and raffles, and prizes for the best dressed, while all the races were televised.

“The RSL Cup Day lunch was a well organised and fun filled afternoon,” said Maree Hingston who attended with husband Mick.

“We enjoyed a delicious two course lunch and watched all the cup action on the big screen.

“One of the highlights was a phantom race call by Michael Carroll and the parades of fillies and stallions caused much hilarity.

“We had a great day.”