CWA to host talk for International Women’s Day

Getting around it: The Bendigo branch of the Country Women's Association is holding an event called Managing Personal Crisis for International Women's Day. Photo: FILE
INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day is set for Friday 8 March and the Country Women’s Association’s Bendigo Northern Group is among several community organisations getting involved to raise awareness for the event.
In advance of the day itself, the CWA branch is holding a speaking event about resilience and tools to use in difficult situations titled Managing Personal Crisis.
“CWA is about caring and making things better for women and children, and that’s what this day’s about,” said president of CWA Bendigo Northern Group, Lyn Turner.
“Managing personal crisis seems to be a bit of an issue, whether it’s domestic violence, whether it’s post-trauma such as floods or fire, death of a loved one.
“We’ve tried to target speakers that’ll be able to perhaps give skills and help people be able to cope with those personal crises a bit better.”
Guest speakers include Aiala Morales and Pai Rittichai from WIRE and a representative from Women’s Health Loddon Mallee.
Ms Turner said it was important to note that people from all backgrounds are invited to attend.
“Everybody’s welcome, it’s not just for CWA ladies, it’s for anybody in the community,” she said.
CWA Bendigo Northern Group’s International Women’s Day event will start at 1.30pm on Wednesday 6 March at Bendigo Regional Tennis Centre.
Entry is $15 and includes afternoon tea.