Debut show for captivating persona

February 5, 2023 BY

FANS of quality independent music can look forward to the first live performance of bountiful local songwriter Shann Lions’ latest solo endeavour.

Set for Saturday, 18 February, his new creative effort will include a visual component not unlike “David Byrne (Talking Heads) directing a live show, with elements of the X-Files.”

“Mystic Park is my new project,” Lions said. “Taking nothing away from anything else I’m doing, but as I create different things, they each need their own identity.

“I am merely a conduit to the manifestation of whatever form the art takes.”

The show takes place just a few days after the launch of Mystic Park’s debut single, This City, which lands on 9 February, and before the release of a full album on 18 May.

“This City might be written about Bendigo but that’s up to the listener to work that out,” Lions said. “I’m not going to be forthcoming and give away every element of the art.

“Mystic Park is actually the story of my life over a six-month period but people can listen once it’s out and make their own interpretations.

“I’ve written all the songs, co-produced and co-played all the instruments minus drums, pedal steel, and double bass on the record.

“It’s different and I think This City is very much telling of the record as a whole too.

“Come and see the live show and things will make sense.”

Catch Mystic Park at the Golden Vine Hotel on Saturday, 18 February, supporting The Bridesmaid.