Do you want beginners’ Zumba in Heathcote?

Suitable for all: Popular yoga instructor Tania Biagioni will be leading the beginners Zumba classes. Photo: SUPPLIED
HEATHCOTE Community House is calling for expressions of interest for beginners’ Zumba classes.
The initiative is a joint project by community house, Healthy Loddon Campaspe, CoGB and Capture Your Essence.
“At this stage we are calling for expressions of interest,” said community house executive officer, Vicki Forde.”
“Funding has been made available through Healthy Loddon Campaspe.”
“Our wonderful yoga instructor Tania Biagioni will be leading the classes with the aim of achievable fitness and coordination.”
“I hope people will give it a go.”
Alicia O’Brien from Healthy Loddon Campaspe said the need for fitness classes was identified through the active living survey last year.
“From the data we received we discovered there is a low rate of physical activity in Heathcote,” she said.
“Residents want to increase their activity levels, but many are time poor and cannot travel great distances.” We decided to trial something new with no travelling.
“Zumba is a great way to get active and have fun at the same time.” Ms Biagioni said the classes will be low cardio with a focus on fun.
“The exercises are designed to make everyone feel good,” she said.
“It is important how we feel about ourselves inside.
“Some people worry that Zumba classes are full on and fast, but these classes are designed so everyone can exercise at their own pace.”
Anyone interesting in the Beginners Zumba classes can contact Heathcote community house on 5433 2820 or [email protected].