Eating five a day made easier with new app

January 23, 2024 BY

Healthy: A new smartphone app is helping researchers understand how to get more young adults to fill their plates with veggies. Photo: FILE

RESEARCHERS from Deakin University’s Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition and Deakin Rural Health are trialling new smartphone app Veg4Me in the region to help young people eat more veggies. 

Dr Katherine Livingstone, who works at IPAN and is leading the initiative, said the app had been developed with input from young adults, the Heart Foundation, and local government. 

“We started off working with the City of Greater Bendigo and realised quite quickly that veg intake in rural areas was a lot lower in young adults than the national averages,” Dr Livingstone said. 

Increased vegetable intake has been linked to improved physical and mental health outcomes and Dr Livingstone said her team wanted to encourage healthy eating habits among young adults. 

“We realised there was an opportunity to design something with young adults living in those regional communities,” she said. 

“So that led us to create Veg4Me which offers personalised support to help young adults aged 18 to 35 years eat more veggies.” 

Veg4Me provides users with the function to set goals, as well as information and recipes that can be personalised to their specific dietary needs. 

“We’re getting really positive feedback from people saying they’re trying new recipes, incorporating new veggies that they didn’t even know how to cook with before,” Dr Livingstone said. 

“A lot of people don’t know how to purchase them, prepare them, store them, and young people are telling us it’s a really cost-effective way to add more bulk to their meals.” 

It also includes an interactive map that shows where fresh vegetables can be found in the local area. 

“We hear a lot about accessibility and affordability in rural communities that maybe have less options of where to purchase fresh and affordable veggies all year round,” Dr Livingstone said. 

“So part of the Veg4Me initiative is to include an environment map and so people have information about what’s available in their local community.” 

Young adults aged 18 to 35 who live in the Loddon Campaspe region and Colac Otway shire can register for the app at 

Participants who complete the program will retain access to the app once the study has finished and will receive a $75 supermarket voucher.