
Emergency workers helping get set for fire season

November 6, 2023 BY

Reducing risk: Costerfield CFA members are helping locals prepare for the for the coming season. Photo: SUPPLIED

WITH the summer fire season almost underway, members of one local volunteer fire brigade are reminding people it’s time to ensure properties are prepared.

As part of that effort, CFA volunteers will be joined by State Emergency Service members and others at Costerfield Hall on Sunday 12 November where they’ll offering advice on how to be ready for summer and providing fire safety essentials tips.

“This year is looking to possibly be a bad one for fire danger,” said Jodie O’Donohue, community adviser for Mandalay Resources Costerfield Operations.

“It is important to plan ahead so we have organised a fire ready day at Costerfield Hall, on Sunday 12 November, commencing at 9.30am.

“It will continue until 2pm with a barbecue lunch provided.

“The CFA will give a talk at 10am, followed by an opportunity to ask questions.

“The SES, Mandalay Resources and Heathcote Community House will also be in attendance with stalls to visit where you can gather information and ask questions.

“Regardless of whether you have been in the area for a short time or a lifetime, I think it is important to gain some new knowledge or share old knowledge.

“It will also be an opportunity to chat with neighbours about what you can do to be best prepared for the fire danger period.

“I look forward to seeing everyone there and helping to prepare for the upcoming season.”