
Equipment boost for local brigade

September 27, 2024 BY
Nulla Vale CFA Donations

Mutual admiration: Members of the Boronia and Nulla Vale CFA have forged a strong partnership ahead of the upcoming fire season. Photo: SUPPLIED

NULLA Vale CFA have received an equipment boost ahead of the upcoming fire season.

Boronia CFA donated surplus equipment to the rural brigade and have formed a mutually beneficial partnership.

“We had very little up-to-date equipment,” said Nulla Vale CFA captain Luke Freestone.

“I contacted District 13 and eventually Boronia CFA said they had some unused equipment they could donate to us.

“Last weekend they brought up some hoses and other equipment which will be a great help in the event of a fire.

“We enjoyed a barbecue and had great day making new friends.

“In the future we will team up with Boronia, Tooborac and Pyalong CFAs for training exercises which will benefit all the brigades.”

Nulla Vale CFA currently has 28 members and 12 fire fighters.

“We are a small community,” said Mr Freestone. “Our members are getting older and their younger family members often move away.

“Anyone in the area who would like to join would be very welcome. We are here to protect everyone’s properties.”

To find out more about joining, visit cfa.vic.gov.au or contact Mr Freestone on 0404 259 315.