Euroa MP joins oversight committee

March 10, 2023 BY

New role: Euroa MP Annabelle Cleeland has added to her parliamentary duties. Photo: SUPPLIED

MEMBER for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, has been appointed to the Victorian Parliament’s lower house Legal and Social Issues Committee.

The LSIC’s role is to examine matters relating to the Departments of Families, Fairness and Housing; Health; Justice and Community Safety; and Premier and Cabinet.

In a statement, Ms Cleeland said her appointment, along with her position as Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Health, would help provide a strong voice for country Victoria on important investigations.

“Alongside the Member for Eildon, Cindy McLeish, we will be ensuring inquiry recommendations aren’t made without considerable input from regional voices,” she said.

Ms Cleeland said she hoped the Government would establish probes into issues facing non-metropolitan areas.

“The Legal and Social Issues Committee oversees housing, health and justice.” she said. “There are huge issues facing these departments that need to be urgently actioned.”

Ms Cleeland said an upper house examination of the October floods showed how parliamentary committees could address significant issues.

“I will be pushing the Government to establish inquiries that will have a clear purpose and support improved outcomes for regional Victorians,” she said.