Euroa officially declared for Nats

December 16, 2022 BY

First four: Freshly minted Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, has been officially declared as the local member for the next term of parliament. Photo: SUPPLIED

IT was little more than a formality, but the seat of Euroa has been officially declared for the National Party following late November’s State election.

The move came at the seat’s Victorian Electoral Commission office in Seymour late last week and confirmed National Party representative Annabelle Cleeland as the area’s local member for the next four years.

“It is an incredible honour to be in this position and I am fully aware of the responsibility that comes with this role,” she said.

“Campaigning over the past four months has allowed me to meet so many inspiring individuals and community groups that I’m excited to support and fight for on Spring Street.

“I can’t thank the people of Euroa enough for the faith they have placed in me and I promise to work tirelessly for our region.

“Over the next week or so, Parliament of Victoria will reach out and set up an email account and phone line as well as getting my office up and running.

“I will make this contact information available as soon as it’s provided and ensure my door and inbox is always open to each and every person in the electorate of Euroa.

“On 20 December I will be officially sworn in at Parliament and will start putting our needs and issues before ministers and the Andrews Government.

“There’s a lot of work to be done and I’ll be doing everything I can over the next four years to make sure the Euroa electorate is heard and receives the government support and funding it needs.”

In the final count on first preferences it was a close race between Ms Cleeland, who just edged out her main rival, the Labor Party’s Angela Tough 13,496 to 12,840 or 31.95 per cent to 30.40 per cent.

When preferences where distributed and on a two-party preferred basis the numbers blew out with the Nationals candidate defeating the ALP offering 25,316 to 16,926 meaning the percentage gap was 59.93 to 40.07.

That was due in large part to the Liberal candidate in the race, Brad Hearn, and most of his 9227 first preference votes flowing to Ms Cleeland.

The remaining four candidates took between about 1000 and 2500 each.

By enrolment 50,663 people were eligible to vote in Euroa District, which stretches from the edge of Bendigo to just south of Wangaratta and down to Kenton.

Of those electors 44,673 voted, with 2431ballots declared informal and not added to any candidate’s tally.