
For women, children and families

June 8, 2024 BY

Cheering on the competitors: CWA Heathcote Night handed out water to thirsty O'Keefe Challenge competitors. Photo: SUPPLIED

FORMED in 1928, the Country Women’s Association of Victoria is still going strong with both day and night groups in Heathcote.

Both groups are active in the community raising funds for worthy causes and helping cater for community functions.

Heathcote CWA Day Branch secretary Jennie Moore said an annual highlight for the group is their fashion show.

“They are always so much fun,” she said. “We have lots of laughs and members help to model the fashions.”

The group recently catered lunch for a car rally raising funds for a hospice.

“We provided lunch for about 110 people coming from Shepparton and heading to Maldon.

“It was very busy with everyone coming through in about half an hour but we really enjoyed it.”

CWA Heathcote Night are also involved in many community activities.

Annual highlight: The CWA Day Branch have been holding an annual fashion show for more than ten years. Photo: SANDRA JAMES


“We raise funds for vulnerable women, children and families,” said president Sandra Fox.

“At each meeting we discuss whether there are any local organisations needing help.

“With the day branch we helped to cater for the Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser at the RSL last month.

“We were also pleased to be involved with the O’Keefe Challenge again this year, handing out water and cheering on the champions who walk and run for some great causes.

“Guest speakers often come to our meetings, and we recently learned CPR. Each meeting is fun, and we make great friendships.”

The day branch meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the Guide Hall at 10.30am. New members are always welcome.

The night group meets in the kitchen at Heathcote Primary School on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm.