Friendly rivalry a winner

November 1, 2024 BY
Heathcote Primary Holy Rosary friendly netball match

Inter-school connections: Students from Heathcote Primary and Holy Rosary enjoyed a friendly netball match recently. Photo: SANDRA JAMES

GRADE five and six students from Holy Rosary joined Heathcote Primary School students in a friendly netball match last month.

The planning was all done by four Heathcote students and played under the newly covered court at Heathcote Primary School.

“After an inter-school competition last term, students expressed interest in having another game against Holy Rosary students,” said principal Carolyn Crowther.

“Siobhan, Jess, Lola and Brechaella then set about planning and organising the event

“Players practiced during break times and through some lessons.

“It is wonderful that we can enjoy a friendly game with the Holy Rosary students.

“The schools are walking distance apart so it’s ideal.”

Siobhan said students enjoyed the process of planning and organising the friendly game.

“After we enjoyed a friendly competition at Red Energy Arena, we thought we would like to do it again,” she said.

“Ms Crowther said we could organise a game with Holy Rosary students. We emailed the school and planned a time and place.

“We also prepared score cards and we practiced netball during our breaks.

“There were three 15-minute games, and we prepared food and drinks for the breaks.”

The games were watched by fellow students, teachers and parents. Ms Crowther hopes the friendly competition will continue with another match next year.