From the desk of Roland Rocchiccioli – 12 February

Buds for life: Jeff and Ethan - a Presa Canario from the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. Importation and sale of the breed is prohibited in Australia. Photo: SUPPLIED
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked war against Ukraine is criminal; but when you add to his barbarity the suffering he has wrought to the animals of that country, it becomes even more heart-breaking.
NOTHING should be allowed to diminish the misery he has inflicted on the Ukrainians; however, the images of bewildered and erstwhile, much-loved family pets – dogs and cats – roaming the streets of bombed-out cities, abandoned by families forced to flee their homes, is too miserable. Pictures of animals, dead in the street, or hobbling around with serious injuries, are deeply disturbing.
International animal welfare organisations are calling for urgent funds to help relieve the indescribable suffering.
Then there are those stories which warm the cockles of one’s heart, and momentarily restore your faith in human nature. The story from the US of Ethan Almighty – the wonder dog – brought me to tears.
According to Ethan’s website, his story was minutes away from ending. He was found freezing to death in the Kentucky Humane Society’s carpark in Louisville. Such was his condition, his body was shutting down. It had been weeks, or months, since he had eaten. Miraculously, small amounts of water had found his tongue. Instead of his anticipated weight of 40 kilograms he weighed only 17; with wasted muscles he was incapable of walking, or lifting his head from the floor.
Serendipitously, passing KHS supporters saw movement from under a dirty blanket. They stopped, found Ethan, and called the KHS who came immediately. Uncertain of his survival chances, Ethan was taken into the emergency services area. His temperature was too low to register.
Ethan was wrapped in warming blankets and given intravenous fluids – so serious was his dehydration, his veins had shrunk impossibly, and the veterinarians could use only the smallest IV needle. After a partial bath he was taken home by one of the staff.
A turn for the worse, and Ethan was taken to emergency in the dead of night. Ten days later, on his return to KHS, he slept for the whole of the day, recovering his strength. That night, assisted by staff, he began taking his first steps. Miraculously, from that moment his complete recuperation began in earnest.
KHS employee, Jeff, and his partner Dana, have adopted Ethan. He recalled, “I came by to visit Ethan, to see how he was doing. He came over to the gate and licked me in the face. I knew then I would do anything for him.
“I volunteered to come-in that night and take care of him, changing his dressings, cleaning-up his sleeping area, feeding him, and taking him for night-time walks.
“A serious change in Louisville’s prevailing weather conditions made travel difficult and it was decided Ethan should spend his nights at home with us.
“By this point, everyone in our house, including the other animals, was in love with him, and it seemed like the best possible solution for him. As Ethan continued to improve, and his neuter surgery approached, an adoption celebration was planned.
“On March 10, 2021 we officially adopted Ethan. He is now a much-loved member of our family, and an international celebrity!”
There is a PhD in the relationship between humans and dogs. I love dogs, but, sadly, I no longer have one. I am too much afeared of dying and leaving behind an adored companion pet which might go to a home where it would not be allowed on the sofa, or the bed. That would be too awful!
Roland can be contacted via [email protected].