
From the pages of the McIvor Times

July 29, 2024 BY

Winners are grinners: Heathcote's 1984 junior squash players. Rear: Faye Maude (squad leader), Kylie Gilmore, Brett Maude, Dennis Jones, Merv Rankin (coach). Front: Brendon Wintle and Heidi Maude. Photos: FILE

140 years ago

Published 11 July 1884

ONE of the most important events in the history of this town that has occurred for some time is the striking of the reef showing good gold and galena in the Alabama and Butler’s Reef Company’s mine on Wednesday last, the reef being struck in the shaft at a depth of 450 feet.

By the original company the shaft had been sunk 226 feet, the present company having put the shaft down a further depth of 224 feet.

The operations wore carried on with considerable difficulty, the water being very troublesome, the sinking having to be done with a 12in.lift, and the water coming from the old workings latterly falling from a height of over 200 feet on to the men below.

This difficulty, however, will be overcome as soon as the rise is put. up and the old workings cut.

This will enable the shaft to be worked comparatively dry.

We heartily congratulate the company on the success attending their efforts, and trust that the present discovery may be only the dawning of the future prosperity of the mine.

The result must be highly satisfactory to Mr Briggs, under whose able management the operations have been and are still being carried on,

This affords another instance where capital and perseverance have contributed to the further development of one of the many of our long dormant mines.


Elsbury Motors, Heathcote, played host to a motor show in 1934.


90 years ago

Published 18 July 1934

On Wednesday last a Royal Australian Air Force Wapiti aeroplane made a forced landing on Mr MP McKenna’s “Glen Erin” estate at Baynton.

Engine trouble developed during a flight from Point Cook.

The landing was attempted in a timber paddock which was being cleared and in descending the plane struck a large box tree and suffered considerable damage estimated at £1,000.

Neither the pilot (Sergt Pilot JH Buchan) nor the observer (Flight Sergt AE Redaway) was injured.

On Tuesday last a New South Wales plane had to leave the route to Melbourne and come north to avoid fogs and secure good visibility.

It landed at Heathcote in the evening, and proceeded on its journey next morning.

40 years ago

Published 4 July 1984

Local junior Squash players do well at Maryborough tourney

Heathcote junior squash players performed well in a recent junior tournament held at Maryborough.

The competition was an under 18 graded event.

The five players who played all did extremely well with Heidi Maude winning the D grade ladies event.

Kylie Gilmore won the C grade ladies plate event.

Of the boys Brett Maude did best by being runner up in the C grade, the winner was three years older.

Brendon Wintle and Dennis Jones, both only 12 years of age, played one another in the C grade plate semi-final.

After a hard match Brendon won and then went on to win the grand final of the plate event.

The tournament was open to all junior country squash players and centres as far away as Albury were represented.