
From the pages of the McIvor Times

June 2, 2024 BY

On the beat: Sergeant David Long arrived at Heathcote in 1984. Photo: FILE

140 Years Ago

Published 2 May 1884

A mud storm

A STRANGE phenomenon, in what is described as a mud storm, was experienced at Heathcote and locality, and more particularly between Heathcote and Kyneton, on Thursday night last.

The phenomenon was noticed by numbers of people who happened to be out in the rain during the evening, and who on going inside to the light were astonished to find their clothes and umbrellas besmeared with what appeared to be particles of mud.

On the following morning, however, the effects of the shower or showers of mud were most noticeable the mud in some parts lying thick in the spouting of houses, and the water in tanks highly tinted with it.

Clothes put out on lines and bushes, &c., to bleach also bore unmistakable evidence of exposure to the extraordinary shower or showers, being changed from white to a reddish colour.

In one instance, we are informed that calico put out to bleach was found to be as red as a brick in the morning.

We notice by the Melbourne papers that the phenomenon was experienced in other parts of the colony as well as this.

90 Years Ago

Published 2 May 1934

Current topics

A meeting was held in the Fire Brigade Hall on Monday night to consider what were the best steps to take to ensure football in this district for the coming season.

A Public Meeting it was termed!

When a Public Meeting is called in most towns it is the signal for an outburst of enthusiasm, business people become enlivened, public men in every walk of town activity are interested, and leaders of thought vie with each other in the expression of views that are unselfish, community stirring, and progressive!

But, in some mysterious and unaccountable way Heathcote is different!

Its business people remain apathetically asleep to their own interests; its public men are disinterested in all but perhaps one line of activity; and our leaders of thought — anyhow, where are our leaders are thought!

What is the result of this apparent apathy — what can be the only result!

Heathcote is on the downgrade, is slipping fastly, and wearing out its breeches as the kids do on their playground slide.

Soon there will not be a shred of self respect left, and the winds of adversity will blow coolly through the rents of unprogressiveness, retrogression, chagrin and shame!


The future Queen Elizabeth II made the pages of the McIvor Times in 1934. Photo: FILE

40 Years Ago

Published 30 May 1984

Last week Sgt David Long began his duties as policeman in charge of the Heathcote Police, replacing Snr Sgt Frank Hobley, who retired in early April this year.

Sgt Long has had varied experience prior to his arrival in Heathcote with periods Russell St, St Kilda, Stawell, Bendigo, CIB and most recently at Geelong.

He also served with the Peace Keeping Forces in Cyprus.

Professional cycling is one of Sgt Long’s main hobbies, although recently he hasn’t had the time to train.

However, once settling in here don’t be surprised to see a “cycling policeman” flashing around town.

Sgt Long and his wife Trish are now living at the Police residence with their three children, Clinton 7, Alistair 6, and Natalie 3.