Funding for drought prevention on offer

Dry: Long-range forecasts are predicting a drier and warmer winter which could impact agriculture and farming: Photo: FILE
THE Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal and the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation are seeking submissions for drought prevention funding across Central Victoria.
The financing is part of the Federal Government’s Future Drought Fund and aims to help agriculture-dependent communities prepare for predicted drought conditions.
A long-range forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology earlier this month reported warmer and drier conditions are expected for most of Australia well into October.
FRRR’s senior program manager Daryl Brooke said communities need to start preparing for the drier weather and grant applications for this program are being run a little differently.
“Your normal grant program is a competitive application process,” he said. “All of the community organisations who believe they’ve got a relevant project apply and compete.
“The difference here is, with the expressions of interest, we are looking for a lead community organisation that would work with all the other interested parties collaboratively.
“The parties then come up with the projects they as a region should apply for, and then the lead organisation does the grant application.”
Mr Brooke said FRRR are looking for community-based ideas around “social resilience” rather than handing out funding for a water tank or dam.
“We expect grants to go to things like building networks between community people,” he said. “To help build leadership, better ways of communicating and sharing information about drought.
“All the things you can do and have in place so when a drought comes along, things come into gear quicker and people can respond and adapt much quicker.
“It’s about what sort of projects will help the community as a whole be better prepared for the next drought.”
Community Impact Grants between $200,000 and $500,000 can be applied for, with initial expressions of interest closing on Wednesday, 22 March.