
Fundraiser backs Legacy

February 23, 2024 BY

Community support: Major Michael Carroll, and Rhonda and Bryan Linnell praised the community for their support in helping them raise funds for Legacy. Photo: SUPPLIED


HEATHCOTE residents have again been praised for their generous community support.

Heathcote Post Office licensees Rhonda and Bryan Linnell recently presented Major Michael Caroll with $1590.40 for his Legacy fundraising activity.

“I greatly appreciate the support Rhonda, Bryan, their staff and the community have given to Legacy,” said Major Carroll.

The money was raised as part of a Christmas raffle as well as from sales from a table at the front of the post office.

“We were keen to support Michael because we admire the way he has set about realising his long held goal of raising significant funds for Legacy,” said Ms Linnell.

Major Carroll is hoping to soon resume his three-month journey along the Murray River in a boat he designed and built himself.

“He has devoted an enormous amount of time, energy and money on the project where he will be raising more money for Legacy,” said Ms Linnell.

“It is an incredible commitment and we are proud to support him in any way we can.”

Proceeds from the table at the post office will now be shared between Very Special Kids and Pancare.

“As always, with any fundraising we do, the ongoing support of the Heathcote community plays a crucial role.

“We are very grateful.”