Fundraising board gets new chair

June 19, 2023 BY

Passing the torch: New Bendigo Health’s Fundraising Advisory Board chair Trevor Elliot and outgoing chair Dianne Foggo at the Gobbe Wellness Centre. Photo: JORDAN McCARTHY

AN official handover of the role of chair of Bendigo Health’s Fundraising Advisory Board was held last week with Dianne Foggo stepping down and Trevor Elliot taking on the position.

Ms Foggo has been chair since 2015 and said she’s leaving with fond memories of her time.

“I think raising the profile of the fundraising advisory board,” she said. “I’m very proud of the work I’ve done in that area.

“I’m very passionate about it and that always helps when you have a job you’re passionate about.

“The other is in relation to mental health. I’m a great advocate for mental health, and Bendigo Health and its wonderful supporters have made a real difference by what they’ve done getting funds together.”

Mr Elliot comes into the role with experience within community organisations and board positions.

“I’m excited,” he said. “I think there are some good opportunities ahead of us and we’ve had a few board members come on board recently as well.

“The opportunities will come up as they do, but it’s more that the fundraising committees in a good spot now and we just want to continue that growth year on year.”

Mr Elliot said there was some apprehension stepping into the space filled by Ms Foggo.

“It is a bit daunting,” he said. “Di has done a fabulous job and, in some ways, she’s done all the hard work because she’s brought in the new board members.

“By the same token, she’s leaving it in a really good position to be able to grow on what she’s achieved.”

Ms Foggo said she has mixed feelings about leaving but is looking forward to the future.

“I’m very sad about leaving, but I’m also very excited,” she said. “I think that’s enough, it’s time for someone else to step up.

“I’m looking forward to gardening and doing very pleasurable things with my husband in the lovely Macedon Ranges.”