Gallery features in ad campaign

January 22, 2024 BY

Curated: Visit Victoria’s new advertising campaign showcases the quality of Victoria’s art galleries to the world. Photo: FILE

THE Bendigo Art Gallery is in the spotlight as part of a new marketing campaign by Visit Victoria that’s seeking to boost tourism to regional areas.

Titled Every bit different, the campaign aims to show the range of art galleries across the state to a global audience.

Bendigo Art Gallery director Jessica Bridgfoot said it was great to see the institution’s collection acknowledged.

“We are proud to feature in this exciting new campaign and to be recognised for our significant collection that helps to make us one of Australia’s largest and most visited regional galleries,” she said.

The ad campain is made up digital and print ads, translated into seven different languages.

Included is a TV commercial featuring a piece by Australian artist Patricia Piccinni from Bendigo Art Gallery’s collection.

Data from Tourism Research Australia revealed that in 2023 Victoria’s tourism industry generated $36.9 billion profit to the state.

Member for Bendigo West, Maree Edwards, welcomed the campaign.

“I look forward to welcoming more visitors that this campaign brings to our region, and the legacy outcomes it will deliver through supporting our region’s economy and helping to create local jobs,” she said.

“Bendigo Art Gallery is a highlight of regional Victoria’s rich cultural offering. It’s fantastic our new campaign broadcasts the gallery’s charm to the rest of the world.”

The campaign was officially launched to coincide with the first day of the Australian Open and will run throughout the two week tournament.