
Gender Equality head visits Heathcote Health

March 31, 2023 BY

Stakeholder connections: Heathcote Health board chair Elissa Watson with Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner Niki Vincent. Photo: BARBARA SUNGAILA

PUBLIC Sector Gender Equality Commissioner, Dr Niki Vincent, visited Heathcote Health on Wednesday.

Dr Vincent said the trip was one of a series of meetings with rural and regional Victorian health services.

“I’m excited I’m now able to get out in the regions to talk with stakeholders about how they are progressing gender equality within a rural setting,” she said.

“I understand that there are key differences in how women and LGTBQIA+ people living in rural areas experience gender inequality compared to those living in Melbourne’s metro areas.

“Gender inequality looks different in every region.”

Dr Vincent said she wanted to find out about the key issues facing organisations as they worked towards meeting their duty to progress gender equality under the Gender Equality Act 2020.

“There are also achievements and important progress that our rural stakeholders are making,” she said.

“I want to hear more about this and celebrate the work being done in this area as it can often go unnoticed.”

Heathcote Health CEO Dan Douglass said the visit focussed on the organisation’s gender equality action plans and experience with gender impact assessments.

“We are hoping the Commissioner’s visit will help us promote the importance of gender equality locally while providing an opportunity for staff to hear from the Commissioner directly,” he said.

Dr Vincent said the visit could also have an impact on the future direction of gender equality initiatives in non-metropolitan Victoria.

“The discussions I have with rural stakeholders during my visits may influence the work the Commission is doing,” she said.

“It will support us to unpack and target the unique issues our rural stakeholders are facing.

“The Gender Equality Act 2020 is the first of its kind to recognise intersectionality, and as a Commission we are committed to ensuring that our work benefits everyone.”