Glad to be an Aussie in Heathcote

A country girl at heart: Bev Sharpe had a hankering to live in the country, prompting a move to Heathcote 25 years ago. Photo: SANDRA JAMES
A DESIRE to live in the country again brought Bev Sharpe to Heathcote 25 years ago.
After a life filled with rich and varied experiences, she loves being part of the Heathcote community.
“I was living in Perth and had a hankering to live in the country again,” she said.
“Heathcote was perfect. Close enough to visit my sister in the northern suburbs of Melbourne and I was able to afford a lovely little house.
“I had lived in Perth for 15 years working in personnel management and insurance. I was married and lived on a farm for a while but later divorced.”
While living in Perth, Ms Sharpe took up a one-year position teaching Libyan farmers in the Tripoli area about farming in marginal rainfall areas.
“The area there was very similar to Western Australia,” she said. “I learned French and German at school and studied some Arabic before I went.
“It was handy as there were people from all backgrounds and the other workers were pleased that I could help with communication.
“There was a lot of anti-American feeling in the 1970s when the Shah of Iran was exiled and as an Australian I was looked on as the same. It was volatile and quite risky for women.
“But in all it was a good experience and very different to life in Australia.”
Ms Sharpe also spent some time in China when she studied Chinese language and culture.
“It was interesting and made me feel very grateful I was born in Australia,” she said.
Originally training as a physical education teacher in Melbourne, Ms Sharpe later taught in Bendigo and for two years in Canada.
“I was very active and played tennis, squash, netball and basketball but wore myself out and after two hip replacements had to stop.
“But I still do chair yoga each week and exercise physiology.
“I helped with Meals on Wheels during my early days in Heathcote but can no longer do it due to my hips.
“These days I attend various activities at U3A and I have been a volunteer at Vinnies for 15 years. I think it’s important to keep organised and occupied once you retire.
“I have had an interesting and wonderful life, and I love Heathcote and its people.”