
Group to help put best foot forward

January 26, 2024 BY

On the path: Maree Hingston, Mary Wallace and Linda Cornelisson are ready to walk and enjoy companionship in the outdoors

HEATHCOTE Community House is working with Healthy Loddon Campaspe to make walking easier in the town.

As part of the effort, a beginners’ walking group will commence om 9 February, starting at 9.30am.

“Walking for Beginners will encompass a loop around the Community House, the skate park and Heathcote Health area,” said Community House executive officer Vicki Forde.

“Participants can start at any point they choose and complete as much or as little as they choose.

“It’s not about losing weight or running a marathon, it’s about feeling good, feeling better about yourself and connecting with the outdoors.

“Some people might feel they are not up to other walking groups, but this will cater for all levels of mobility. Everyone can go along at their own pace.

“We are hoping some of the aged care residents will also be able to join us, walking if they are able or in wheelchairs.”

Residents were recently invited to a session at the community house to discuss what they would like to see incorporated into the walking loop.

“We’ve had lots of suggestions about ‘activating’ our state park walkway and ‘Walking for Beginners’ loop,” said Ms Forde.

“We could incorporate story boards similar the library story walk but with artwork, quotes, local history, and information about wildlife and community groups.

“Anything that stimulates and adds to the enjoyment, gives you a reason to smile or to reminisce. Suggestions are always welcome.

“The possibilities are endless. Initially, the walks will be held on Fridays, but it would be fabulous if we could do it every day.”

Walking for Beginners will be followed by morning tea at the community house.

For catering purposes call 5433 2820 or email [email protected].