Heathcote up for gold in tourism awards

June 9, 2023 BY

Recognition: Heathcote is in the running for the top tourism prize. Photo: BARBARA SUNGAILA

AFTER a bronze award last year, Heathcote has again made the cut as one of four finalists in the 2023 TAC Top Small Tourism Towns.

Heathcote Tourism and Development president Peter Young said the nomination was an affirmation.

“It tells us how far we’ve come,” he said. “We now have a two-hat restaurant in the town, we’ve got a brewery and just the whole vibe of the place has really improved.

“We have become a tourism destination, but I think there’s a long way for us to go to get the full recognition that Heathcote deserves and to many people it’s still an undiscovered gem.

Mr Young said the awards helped raise awareness of what the region had to offer.

“They stimulate people to come here and see the place and actually experience it for themselves,” he said.

“The more visitors we get the more investment we can make, and everything builds on itself.

“We’ve got some great natural attributes,” he said. “We’re on the route to Bendigo and we’re on the route to Echuca which are two major destinations from Melbourne.

“We’ve got this lovely fresh air, we’ve got some beautiful scenery, we’ve got some of the best wines in the world and we’ve got other developing artisan-type activities.

“I think it’s got such a wonderful future.”

Mr Young said there were many special experiences on offer across the district.

“I think to sit in a cellar door and view the vines and the vistas is quite fantastic,” he said.

“To drive up to the top of Chinaman’s Bend and have a look at the vineyards is really quite stunning.”

Heathcote is up against Koroit, Sorrento and Woodend for the title of Top Small Tourism Town.

The wider region is also represented with Bendigo nominated as one of eight Top Tourism Towns.

City of Greater Bendigo manager tourism and major events Terry Karamaloudis said he was excited to see Bendigo and Heathcote reach the finals for the third year in a row.

“The final decision is based on public voting, user reviews, suggested itineraries, so it means so much for Bendigo and Heathcote to be recognised in this way,” he said.

“To be named the top regional or small regional town, you, your family and friends are encouraged to vote.

“So, vote 1 for Bendigo and Heathcote today.”

Bendigo will battle it out with Ballarat, Echuca, Frankston, Lakes Entrance, Mildura, Warrnambool and Werribee in the Top Tourism Towns category.

Visit vtic.com.au/toptourismtown to vote before Thursday 22 June and prizes for taking part are being offered.