In praise of the humble zucchini
HEATHCOTE residents celebrated all things zucchini with competitions, displays, live music, food and fun last weekend at the community house.
The inaugural Heathcote Zucchini Festival was the brainchild of Amanda Collins and Mel Matyson who dreamed up the idea one morning over coffee.
“Zucchinis grow prolifically and by March, it’s usually quite difficult to give zucchinis away as everybody has them,” said Ms Collins.
“We just thought, why not celebrate that?”
Winner of the biggest zucchini at 3.875 kilograms, was Dave Munro with Kerstin Brauns’ 3.425 zucchini a close second.
Kerrie Burn grew the ugliest zucchini and Emily Jordan the most beautiful zucchini.
The winner of the best 3 young zucchini with flowers attached was Simone Calabria.
Pam Boyes won the best zucchini slice with recipe contest.
It was a tie between Kathryn Saltmarsh and Trevor Moore for the best poem or song with the word zucchini in it.
The event concluded with a zucchini toss which was won by Aaron Foster.
“Competition winners can now boast zucchgloriousness,” said community house executive officer, Vicki Forde.
“The event couldn’t have happened without some amazing efforts by our fabulous team.
“Lance, The Joker, provided great music and we all enjoyed musical performances by Jess and Malachai.
“Special thanks go to Deb Edgell, and Elora, Liana and Heather from 3Seeds Homestead, The Barn Pet Stock and Feed, Heathcote Mitre 10, McIvor Times, Pyalong general Store, Charleen and the Pyalong Hall, Jo for her gluten free baking, Heathcote Smiles Day for the vests, and the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development for our new picnic seats.

“A huge thank you to all who brought produce and garden bits to swap and to Mandalay Resources for their sponsorship which enabled us to run the event.”
A total of $1036.20 was raise for Heathcote Community House flood restoration.
“The flood restoration and repairs and maintenance have already started, including new guttering and downpipe work and excavation works, thanks to Dean Bibby,” Ms Forde said.

“Again, thanks to Mandalay Resources and Billy Dent for helping us to organise those works.
“We will now be working on our beautiful mud brick buildings to be stripped and painted with specialised mudbrick paint.
“We are very fortunate and grateful to have such a wonderful community village and the surrounding villages working together.”