
Input vital for health service’s future

February 16, 2024 BY

Strategic planning: Claire Edwards is encouraging residents to give their input for Heathcote Health 2024-27 Strategic Planning. Photo: SUPPLIED

STAFF at Heathcote Health is seeking community input for their 2024-27 strategic planning.

Claire Edwards, director of TAG Health, a consulting company specialising in strategic, operational and service planning and change is assisting Heathcote Heath in the process.

“Community input provides unique insights into the needs, aspirations and challenges of a community and plays a vital role in shaping our collective future,” she said.

“Participation in this strategic planning process will ensure that the initiatives and goals we set reflect the diverse perspectives that make our community special.

“The purpose of a strategic plan is to demonstrate our role in meeting the needs of the community and how we will meet those needs.”

Ms Edwards said she believes community participation will help to shape the future and contribute to the vision and goals that will drive the community forward.

“Community members can make a difference; community input directly influences the decisions and initiatives that directly impact our community,” she said.

“We hope residents will bring their ideas and enthusiasm to the strategic plan engagement process.”

Community members can email Ms Edwards at [email protected] with input, or attend one of the pop-up feedback locations.

“They will be held on Tuesday 20 February, 9.45 to 10.30 at Heathcote Pharmacy, 11.30 to 12.15 at the community hub at 104 High Street, and Gaffney’s Bakery 12.15 to 1pm,” she said.

“The more people we hear from the better the end strategy will be.”