Little ones enjoy big morning tea!

June 2, 2023 BY

Party mode: Four-year-old Ava shows off her balloon haul. Photos: SUPPLIED

LAST week Jenny’s Early Learning Centre in Heathcote played host to Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea in support of the Cancer Council.

Organiser and staff member Ash Johnson said that while the event was on the smaller side, they still expected to reach their fundraising target.

“It was $500,” she said. “As our initial startup event we didn’t want to go too high. At the moment we have raised $410 and we have a few more donations that are still coming in.

“With a bit of luck, we’re going to go over that target amount.”

Ms Johnson said the morning tea was a chance for friends and family to visit the centre.

“Everything’s been so hard through COVID,” she said. “There were times there when we weren’t even allowed to have parents come into the centre.

“They just dropped at the door and picked up from the door.

“It’s really nice to be reaching out and making that community connection again and to get things back to how they use to be.”

Ms Johnson said it was great to be able to combine a social occasion with the chance to contribute to something worthwhile.

“I guess everybody is affected by cancer in one way or another,” she said. “We just felt like it was a really good cause to get behind and support.

“It was just a good opportunity to get in there and give it a go.”

Mel Wells offers Ruby and Aria the pick of some perennial favourites.