Local artist profile: Phoebe Skinner

April 2, 2023 BY

Roar passion: Phoebe Skinner and the rest of her pride will be feline busy, with no chance to paws across the mane Easter period. Photo: SUPPLIED

THIS week we chat with the marvellous, almost-decade-long Bendigo Chinese Association Lion Team member Phoebe Skinner.


How did you become a Lion Team member in the beginning?

I had gone to a Harvest Moon Festival one year and saw that the team was allowing the kids to have a look under the lion. I went to check it out and I just instantly felt a connection and needed to find out how to join the Lion Team. Ironically, after some family research I found out that I am sixth-generation Chinese to Louey Ah Sam, also known as Samual Lock, who was born in China and came to Bendigo via ship during the gold rush.


What motivated you to get involved?

It’s funny actually, I used to be so scared of the Chinese lions as a child. It wasn’t until the one interaction at the Harvest Moon Festival that I knew I wanted to join the team. My first training session was an eye opener and I realised how cool it was and that I needed to be involved.


What is your role in the Lion Team and how long did it take you to learn that role?

My role currently is as a senior. I started when I was nine years old in late 2013 and I’m currently coming up on 10 years of being in the team. Through the years I went from junior, to intermediate and senior. As I gained more knowledge and strength for lion dancing, the more I grew to become the senior lion dancer I am today.


Are there any particular themes that the Lion Team likes to feature in its work?

The main theme the team loves to do that I can think of is definitely Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is always a very busy time for us yet is always the best atmosphere for the team.


What are some highlights or fond memories you have from being in the Team so far?

One of the best highlights for me was when I got to bless one of my first lions, Minty the Green Lion. There are always good memories made with the team. Bus trips, performances and training are always fun.


How can people check out the Lion Team and get involved as well?

You could definitely contact the Bendigo Chinese Association, check out the Chinese museum and enquire about us there. We also have come and try days throughout the year.


What would you say to encourage young people in the region who are thinking about getting involved in something like this?

If you really wanted that family feeling and to really be around something involved in so much culture, the Lion Team is perfect. It is 100 per cent a family and you will always have fun and enjoy performing together.


The Bendigo Chinese Association Lion Team was established in the late 1800s and trains every Monday night with standard training 5.30pm to 6.30pm and advanced training 6.30pm to 8.00pm.

As with every year, the Association needs a bunch of volunteers of all ages to help with the upcoming Easter Parades. Interested parties can visit the Association’s Bridge Street headquarters on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 4pm and 6pm and Saturdays and Sundays between 1pm and 4pm, or contact a representative by phone or email.

For contact details and further information, please visit the Bendigo Chinese Association website at bendigochinese.org.au.