
Major funding boost for Heathcote Civic Precinct

June 7, 2024 BY

Fun and games: Federal Member for Bendigo Lisa Chesters (right) joined Heathcote Library storytime, led by Community-Based Library Officer Ange Graystone (left) before announcing the funding. Photo: STEVE WOMERSLEY

FEDERAL Government funding of more than two million dollars has been allocated to the Heathcote Civic Precinct project.

A further $1 million from a Victorian Government Living Libraries grant and $1.3million from the City of Greater Bendigo will assist with major upgrades to the precinct.

Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters visited Heathcote last week to announce the funding for the project which incorporates Heathcote Library, a technology access hub, flexible community spaces, co-working spaces, a customer service centre, maternal and child health service and landscaping.

City of Greater Bendigo mayor, Cr Andrea Metcalf announced the municipality would put $1.3 million into the Heathcote Civic Precinct upgrades.


Heathcote Library will be upgraded to serve as a prominent and key community hub service and activator.

It will see its footprint nearly doubled, meeting the national library standard for floorspace to accommodate current and future population growth.

The Heathcote and district population is predicted to reach 4343 by 2036.

Two existing heritage-listed buildings, the Municipal Office and former Court House, will be expanded and adapted as part of Stage One works.

Federal Member for Bendigo Lisa Chesters said she was thrilled to announce funding for the Heathcote Civic Precinct.


This will result in a multi-purpose and flexible community hub supporting the delivery of many different services and community activities.

The project will be led by the City of Greater Bendigo.

Before making the announcement, Ms Chesters attended Story Time at the library, singing along with children, parents and grandparents.

“I am thrilled to announce the Albanese Government will fund the Heathcote Civic Precinct priority project in Heathcote, pitching in $2,031,610 to make it a reality,” she said.

“This project will deliver works including the transformation of two existing community spaces including the Heathcote Library.

Federal Member for Bendigo Lisa Chesters said she was thrilled to announce funding for the Heathcote Civic Precinct.


“Public libraries play an important role is supporting education and literacy.

“This will be a real difference maker for Heathcote, and I look forward to seeing the benefits

flow as works get underway, supporting local jobs and the local economy.”

City of Greater Bendigo mayor, Cr Andrea Metcalf thanked the Federal Government before announcing the Victorian Living Libraries grant and the $1.3million input from CoGB.

Fun and games: Federal Member for Bendigo Lisa Chesters (centre) joined Heathcote Library storytime, led by Community-Based Library Officer Ange Graystone (left) before announcing the funding. Photos: STEVE WOMERSLEY


“Existing buildings will be expanded and adapted to create an accessible, multi-purpose space,” she said.

“This will provide greater access to services and support diverse community interests, acting as a meeting place, somewhere to do business and a place to learn and connect with others.

“With our funding partners, we look forward to delivering a flexible hub that encourages participation in all aspects of community life.”