Making a difference

March 19, 2024 BY

Helping hands: Never Give Up Group secretary Peter Cunningham recently presented a cheque for $20,518 to MND Victoria's general manager community engagement Daniel Woodrow and their CEO Kate Johnson at the organisation's equipment warehouse in Ringwood. Photo: BARBARA SUNGAILA

SINCE January 2016, Heathcote’s Never Give Up Group has been raising money to help support people living with Motor Neurone Disease.

The last ever MND Superchallenge bowls tournament on Australia Day brought the total raised over eight years to more than $125,000.

Never Give Up secretary Peter Cunningham, along with other group members, visited MND Victoria’s equipment warehouse recently to gain a greater understanding of how the money was being used.

“It just opened our eyes to exactly how much equipment they do need,” he said.

“You think of the recliners, the wheelchairs and the bed lifters.

“But those smaller things, like the cushions to stop bed sores, that really hit home.”

Mr Cunningham was also impressed by how streamlined the warehouse processes were.

“Everything’s barcoded now,” he said. “The tracking of items and their ability to get equipment out to people yesterday, so to speak, it’s fantastic.”