Mental health support on offer for local FNCs

Big name: AFL great and former Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley is headed to the region as part of the Tackle Your Feelings mental health program. Photo: HAMISH BLAIR/ AAP IMAGE
SPORTS Focus has again partnered with Sports Central to bring a free mental health training program to football and netball clubs in the region.
Known as Tackle Your Feelings, the program aims to train coaches, committee members and club support staff to access the tools required to recognise and respond to mental health issues in players.
Lauren Fawcett from Sports Focus is the program’s coordinator and said it was important for clubs to get involved in supporting the mental health of members.
“It’s absolutely vital at the moment with the challenges everyone has faced over the last three years,” she said.
“We know how important community clubs are out in rural and regional areas, they are like families, and they are a place that people connect, and where everyone knows everyone.
“They can generally tell when someone’s not doing so great but starting that conversation can be really challenging.”
Tackle Your Feelings was started by the AFL Coaches and Players Associations and has a number of AFL affiliated ambassadors including ex-GWS Giants coach Leon Cameron and past Melbourne defender Neville Jetta.
Ms Fawcett said a big-name ambassador will be coming to a local club for the program.
“Nathan Buckley is going to be coming along to Rochester Football Club on Tuesday, 28 February,” she said.
“He will come down while training is on, have a bit of a wander around and engage with people and then do a bit of a Q&A after that.
“He will sit in on the Tackle Your Feelings session with the club as well.”
Several local teams have signed on for the program already, but Ms Fawcett said she’s still aiming to add a few more.
“They can contact Sports Focus or go to the Tackle Your Feelings website,” she said.