
Movie night shaping up all right

August 18, 2023 BY

Toilet humour: The Outside Dunny, a comedy about an Aussie backyard institution, is one of the offerings at this year’s Heathcote Film Festival. Photo: SUPPLIED

THERE’S still an opportunity to grab a ticket for the upcoming Heathcote Film Festival.

Festival spokesperson Duncan McGann said there were a few left for the Friday 1 September session.

“The Saturday gala dinner is sold out with a considerable waiting list,” he said. “We’re very happy with that but now we’re trying to fill the Friday.

“It will be a fun night, the plan is to let people bring a picnic dinner and we’ll be providing popcorn as part of the ticket.

“Our sponsors have provided wine, beer and gin which will be for sale.”

There will also be several door prizes donated by local businesses.

Fellow organiser Clarissa Hyland said they were keen to expand their offerings if this was something residents wanted.

“We think that if we can sell the Friday night then there’s potential to grow into a proper festival rather than just a film night,” she said. “But we need to know that the interest is there.

“This year there’s an eclectic mix of 15 films from around the world including the UK, Canada, Iran and Australia.”

The not-for-profit event has been a fixture on the town’s calendar for more than a decade with a new organising committee taking up the reins this year after a COVID hiatus.

It offers film makers from a diverse range of backgrounds the opportunity to showcase their work to a regional audience.

Tickets for Friday 1 September are available from the festival website.