New directory keeps community connected

Linked: Kerstin Brauns and Sherrie Coote are helping locals get in touch via the new Heathcote Community Directory. Photo: BARBARA SUNGAILA
THE new Heathcote Community Directory has been launched and it’s aiming to be a one stop shop for information on a wide range of local services and organisations.
Advance Heathcote committee member Sherrie Coote said the directory was the brainchild of the community itself.
“It came out of the 2017-21 community plan,” she said. “It was one of two things identified to help with communication, the other was a welcome kit for new residents.
“I think it’s a really good little book because I still meet people that have lived here for quite some time and don’t, for example, know we have the most extraordinary health services in town.
“If you go and look at what Heathcote Health provides in terms of local and outreach services, it’s amazing.
“There’s a lot that people don’t know about. I hope it will help people access services locally and join clubs.
“It’s also an opportunity for groups to promote themselves and recruit members and volunteers.”
Mandalay Resources environmental resources and community co-ordinator Kerstin Brauns is also a member of the Advance Heathcote committee and has been involved with the directory project.
She said the company was one of the biggest employers in the district and wanted to support the community.
“We pride ourselves on being a good neighbour,” she said. “We’re very involved with things that go on.
“We have a lot of employees who are new to town and the directory will give them a point of contact when they first turn up.”
Ms Coote said it took much longer than originally expected to develop the directory.
“It was all done on volunteer labour and during COVID a lot of groups went into hibernation,” she said. “It was pretty difficult to get information.”
Ultimately 3000 copies have been printed, and many have already been distributed via a letterbox drop.
“We’ve done about three quarters of the town,” Ms Coote said. “And we’ll get them out into places where they can be picked up.”
The long-term goal for the for the committee it to annually update the digital edition, which would be available from the Advance Heathcote website.
“The plan is to keep it live and useful,” Ms Coote said. “If there are new services, clubs or groups, or changes to current entries, we invite them to make contact so we can include them or update their details by emailing us at [email protected].”
Copies of the Heathcote Community Directory are available from the Heathcote Visitor Information Centre and the Heathcote Residents Resource Hub at 125 High Street, Heathcote.