
New year: new adventures

January 4, 2025 BY
New Activities in Heathcote

Hands-on hobby: Margaret Leslie, June Gover, Jan Rowe , Lorraine Wratt and Cheryl Connally all enjoy meeting for weekly craft sessions at the RSL hall. Photo: SANDRA JAMES

FOR anyone looking for new interests in 2025, Heathcote offers a wide range of groups and clubs with something to suit everyone.

Activities range from arts and crafts, gardening and fitness to volunteering and sports.

Silver Star Line Dancers meet on the first Monday of the month at the RSL hall, starting at 12pm for absolute beginners and 1pm for beginners.

There is also a group for beginners at the Tooborac Community Hall on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm to 9pm.

Enrolment for U3A will take place on Wednesday 29 January at the Guide Hall from 10.30am.

U3A is part of a world-wide movement where retired and semi-retired people can enjoy a range of activities from yoga, writing and singing to gardening, movies and current affairs.

Membership fees are $50 per person annually.

New members are always welcome at the Lions Club.

“We have a business meeting on the first Wednesday of each month and a dinner meeting at the Commercial Hotel on the third Wednesday,” said club member Greg Spiers.

“New members are always welcome and can call me on 0408 332 235 for further information.”

Heathcote Writers’ Playgroup meet every Tuesday at the Community House, from 1pm and will resume on 7 January.

Members work on all types of writing projects from poetry and short stories to novels and memoirs.

It is a fun group where members share lots of laughs. Anyone interested can contact Sandra on 0459 023 481 or the Community House.

Pizza Box Poets meet on the third Sunday of every month at Palling Bros Brewery starting at 3.30pm.

Attendees read their own rhyming, modern or traditional poems or can just listen and appreciate the work of others.

“We have an optional theme each month,” said founding member Amanda Collins.

“For January it will be our hopes for 2025 but poets are free to write whatever they like.”

The Australian Plants Society Heathcote meets on the second Tuesday each month at 7pm, at the Senior Citizens’ Hall, 121 High Street at Heathcote.

Meetings include guest speakers and light refreshments and for further information, contact [email protected].

The group has more than 30 members and everyone is welcome.

Heathcote Craft Group has been meeting every week since 1988.

The group meets at the RSL Hall every Tuesday from 9am to 2pm, creating everything from hats for premature babies and vests for penguins, to quilts and decorated bras.

The weekly fee is $5 with morning tea supplied. Participants bring their lunch. Contact Jan Rowe to join on 0417 526 339.