
Pickleball growing in popularity

June 2, 2024 BY

New sport: Heathcote Tennis Club member Vikki McNaughton shows Teddy (8) some of the finer points of Pickleball. Photos: BRENDAN McCARTHY Photos: BRENDAN McCARTHY

FOLLOWING a successful come-and-try pickleball event earlier this month, the Heathcote Tennis Club are holding regular pickleball sessions twice weekly.

New sport: Heathcote Tennis Club member Vikki McNaughton shows Teddy (8) some of the finer points of Pickleball. Photo: BRENDAN McCARTHY


Sessions are free for club members and $5 for casual sessions.

Tennis player Vikki McNaughton is enjoying the new challenge. Photo: BRENDAN McCARTHY


Pickleball, a hybrid of tennis, ping pong and badminton, was introduced to Australia in 2017 and is rapidly growing in popularity throughout the country.

“We had a great response and feedback from our come-and-try pickleball session,” said Heathcote Tennis Club member Brenda Stocks.

“Paul Henshall, the brother of one of our regular players and who is ranked sixth in Australia for his age group, led the session.

“Paul inspired both club members and locals of all ages.

A focused Sandra Fox on court. Photo: BRENDAN McCARTHY


“The weather has been kind to us with beautiful sunny days and we are pleased with the amount of people returning.”

Pickleball is suitable for all ages and abilities.

“Last Sunday we had players of eight and 11 years of age playing against and with players 60-plus years of age,” said Ms Stocks.

“It worked really well, and they all enjoyed playing.”

Pickleball players use a paddle to hit a perforated ball over a net slightly lower than a tennis net, on a shorter and narrower court.

“As interest grows, we are hoping to hold in-house competitions in the future and perhaps form teams to play against other local clubs,” said Ms Stocks.

Alisa Orford gets ready for her next shot.


“And, although the summer season is over, we still have social tennis on Sunday mornings at 9.30am and on Wednesdays at 10am.”

For anyone interested in playing pickleball, sessions are held at the Heathcote Tennis Club in Wright Street on Sunday mornings from 9.30am, and from 5pm on Mondays.