Picnic time for teddy bears

January 20, 2023 BY

Today’s the day: A teddy bear’s picnic is being planned for late January at Barrack Reserve. Photo: FILE

IF you go down to Barrack Reserve on Saturday, 28 January, you’re sure of a big surprise.

The recently formed Heathcote and Surrounds All Ages Activities Committee is having a teddy bear’s picnic for every bear that ever there was, along with their owners.

Committee spokesperson Ruth Austin said they originally intended to have just a picnic at twilight, but this had rapidly evolved into something bigger.

“There will be games such as wheelbarrow races,” she said. “Musical chairs with live music being played by local musician Jess Matthews.

“There’s a t-ball game and to top off the night we’re having an apple pie eating contest for adults so we end the night on a high.”

Organisers are hoping to see teddy bears along with their owners of any age and there will be a teddy bear competition with a $1 entry fee.

The picnic is a bring-your-own event for both food and teddy bear, although adults should make sure they leave plenty of room for apple pie.

Ms Austin said the teddy bear’s picnic was the first of many events with an anti-Valentines trivia night planned for February.

“The idea is to have at least one activity a month with a committee member in charge of organising and delegating,” she said.

“We will also be calling on different people in the area or organisations to assist when needed.”

The teddy bear’s picnic runs from 4pm to 8pm on Saturday, 28 January at Barrack Reserve, Heathcote.