Post-mortem on health history

April 19, 2023 BY

Open book: A mountain of records have been unveiled from Bendigo’s medical past. Photo: FILE

RESIDENT history buffs are invited to join an expert panel of archivists at Bendigo Library to hear about the finer details of more than a century-and-a-half worth of records recently transferred from Bendigo Health to the Bendigo Regional Archive Centre.

The material primarily covers Bendigo Hospital and the Anne Caudle Centre – formerly the Bendigo Benevolent Asylum.

Public Record Office Victoria’s principal gatekeeper, officially known as keeper of the records, Justine Hazelwood will be in attendance, along with information management maestro Bruce Smith and Bendigo Regional Archive Centre’s Desiree Pettit-Keating and Dr Sue Walter.

Dr Walter, who will use a case study to demonstrate how these records and others can be used to piece together individual people’s lives, said the event is aimed at anyone with an interest in family, local or community history, or record keeping and archives.

“History students and academics are just as welcome as individuals and community groups,” she said.

“Some of the details are not pleasant, but ignoring or hiding history does not mean they did not happen.

“These records show humanity at its best, and at its worst, however they are also a reminder of what used to be, and how we can make things better if we continue to learn, care, and show compassion.”

“Our aim is to inform, educate and inspire. We want the community to use the records, ask some hard questions, perhaps be prepared for some equally hard answers, and share what they have found.

“The Bendigo Regional Archives Centre is here to help others on their journey of discovery, and we hope this will offer some inspiration.”

Australian Heritage Festival: Making Bendigo’s health history public takes place on Thursday, 20 April between 5.30pm and 6.30pm.

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