
Prepared for cardiac emergencies

June 21, 2024 BY

Rug up: Vets are urging pet owners to be mindful of keeping their animals warm this winter. Photo: BRENDAN McCARTHY

HEATHCOTE is safer in case of cardiac arrest, with a new publicly accessible AED to be installed at the Heathcote Community House.

The automated external defibrillator was presented to community house executive officer Vicki Forde last week by Liz Norie from Ambulance Victoria.

“What magnificent outcomes are achieved when the community works together,” said Ms Forde.

“Thanks to Jodie O’Donoghue at Mandalay Resources we were able to connect with Liz Norie from Ambulance Victoria.

“Liz told us about the Call, Push, Shock program being rolled out, which resulted in the HCH receiving this amazing community lifesaving gift from Ambulance Victoria.

“Thanks to the fabulous cabinet donated by Mandalay Resources, we will be able to keep the AED accessible 24 hours a day with all that is needed to possibly save a life.

“If anyone is interested in learning how to use a defibrillator, they can call HCH on 5433 2820.

Liz Norie demonstrated the new AED to Vicki Forde.


“We will soon be holding a session facilitated by Liz, demonstrating how to use an AED and giving people important familiarity with the equipment.”

Also attending the presentation was Kate Else, from Mandalay Resources who have donated four AEDs to the Heathcote area, and Duncan McGann from Heathcote Bowling Club, recipients of one of the defibs.

“AEDs are used to attempt to shock the heart back into rhythm following a cardiac arrest,” said Ms Norie, a Heathcote Ambulance Community Officer.

“They are safe and easy to use and will not deliver a shock unless it is necessary.

“If someone is in cardiac arrest and an AED is available, simply open it and follow the instructions.

“Every minute matters during a cardiac arrest so each new AED in the town improves access to life-saving care during a medical emergency.”

Ambulance Victoria donated the new AED as part of the Heart Safe Communities program in Heathcote, an initiative that works to improve the community’s confidence and ability to respond to a cardiac arrest.

Heart Safe Communities is a year-long, joint initiative between AV and the Heart Foundation.

Liz Norie from Ambulance Victoria presented community house executive officer Vicki Forde with an AED which will be accessible 24 hours a day.


“There are 30 Heart Safe Communities across the state and Heathcote is one of 12 towns currently completing the program,” Ms Norie said.

There are three other 24/7 publicly accessible AEDs in Heathcote, with two located at the Heathcote Police Station and one at the Heathcote Tennis Club.

Ms Norie said it is important all AEDs are registered with AV, so call takers can direct bystanders or GoodSAM responders to them in an emergency.

GoodSAM is a smartphone app that connects Victorians in cardiac arrest with members of the community who are willing to start CPR in the critical minutes before paramedics arrive.

Visit ambulance.vic.gov.au/goodsam.