Pull up a chair at new Men’s Table

January 25, 2023 BY

Group Chat: A Men’s Table event underway where man can talk openly about what is going on in their lives. Photo: PROVIDED

A CHARITY dedicated to helping men open up about their lives is coming to Bendigo for a launch event on Tuesday, 7 March.

Known as Men’s Table, the group aims to increase connection in the community and improve mental health for men who may be feeling isolated or lonely.

The launch event will be held at the Hibernian Hotel at 6.30pm and is open for anyone who wants to get involved or even just have a look and see what it is all about.

Host of the Bendigo event Dan Ball said the idea behinds Men’s Table is to open a more meaningful dialogue between groups of men.

“We talk about some of the real stuff that’s going on for them in life,” he said.

“So, the highs and the lows that life naturally throws our way rather than just having the surface level conversations that many of us will typically have with our mates down the pub.”

The launch event will have 12 regular members on hand to guide newcomers through the ins and outs of a meeting.

Mr Ball said not everyone who comes along is expected to take part, but they will help make the evening as easy and comfortable as possible for those who choose to partake.

“There will be guidelines for conversation for the monthly table which will give first timers the opportunity if they want to, to share a little bit,” he said.

“Just a couple of minutes about what’s going on for them in life and what it was about Men’s Table that resonated with them to want to register for the launch event.”

There are a number of reasons for men to come and join Mr Ball said.

“There will be men who are going through a relationship break up, divorces, bereavement, mental health challenges and changes in their lives,” he said.

“Or men may have just lost connection with friends over the years and need someone to talk with or connect with.”

If you are interested in joining Men’s Table you can register via bit.ly/3kcU1dV.