Road safety in the headlights

Hot spot: Crashes at intersections made up more than half of the road safety incidents in the City of Grater Bendigo between 2015 and 2020. Photo: FILE
A MUNICIPAL-wide road safety plan has gone out for public comment, with the City of Greater Bendigo seeking community feedback on the policy.
Known as the Greater Bendigo Road Safety Action Plan 2023-2027, the policy is currently in draft form and once approved will aim to guide a reduction in deaths and injuries on local roads.
Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf said development of the plan was mandated by the Victorian Government and guided by state and national frameworks.
“It aims to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on Greater Bendigo’s road network as a result of road crashes, and is working towards halving road deaths and reducing serious injuries by 2030 [as per Victorian Government targets],” she said.
“It also aims to improve safety to support active and sustainable transport, and improve safe connections and accessibility for everyone.”
The current draft document looks at several road safety issues within the Bendigo region including motor vehicle speed, road construction and design, and cyclist and pedestrian interaction with other road users.
“The draft action plan recognises a shared responsibility for the safety of all road users and contains a number of goals that are focused on safer walking and cycling, safer drivers, safer roads, safer travel to schools and safer motorcycling,” Cr Metcalf said.
“The plan also informs the necessary actions required to make improvements to road safety and guide the implementation of road safety activities within Greater Bendigo for the next five years.
Data contained in the plan, gathered between 2015 and 2020, shows two main types of crashes in the municipality; those below 60kph in built up areas and those on rural roads with speed limits of 100kph.
Vehicles traveling in the same direction crashing into each other, and motor vehicles running off straight roads were the most common type of incident.
About 33 per cent of incidents involved either a pedestrian, a cyclist or a motorcycle rider.
“[The plan] is an important piece of work because it outlines key actions and priorities, it will also assist both the City and Regional Roads Victoria to apply for State and Federal funding for future road safety and infrastructure improvement projects,” said Cr Metcalf.
Feedback on the draft plan can be made via