
Sharing hobbies over coffee and a chat

June 1, 2024 BY

All crafts welcome: Heather Lowe, coordinator Julie Raymond and Marla Stone are looking forward to reviving the Pyalong Neighbourhood House Knit and Knatter group. Photo: SANDRA JAMES

PYALONG Neighbourhood House is seeking interest in reviving their Knit and Knatter group.

The group folded during COVID-19, and recently a number of people have expressed interest in restarting the group.

“We’ve had several people contact us and say they would like to see the group up and running again,” said neighbourhood house coordinator Julie Raymond.

“The group previously ran on Tuesday afternoons, but we are flexible with times and if this doesn’t suit everyone we could change to Wednesday or Thursday. “And participants don’t have to be knitters. We welcome any hobbies people already do or would like to try.

“The group is mainly about social time, having a chat and coffee, then doing some craft if you get a chance.”

Ms Raymond said the group would be a great way for new residents to get to know others in the community or for longer term residents to get out of the house for a while.

“We are always open to suggestions for other groups and classes,’ she said.

“If there is anyone out there with a particular skill they would like to share with others we would love to hear from them. “Anyone from the surrounding areas is also welcome, not just Pyalong residents.”

The neighbourhood house runs a flourishing op shop, open from 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, with proceeds used to fund activities at the house including bus trips to the theatre in Melbourne and day trips Echuca, Beechworth and Daylesford.

“We also have a food table in the foyer,” said Ms Raymond.

The house also runs a walking group, yoga and an evening group for those interesting in making small models.

Participants share their knowledge and interest in cars, trains, planes and defence models.

Anyone interested a program can contact the Pyalong Neighbourhood House on 5785 1462 Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm.