Sharing the load over a coffee

Autism support: Monthly carers’ cuppas start this Monday at Gaffney’s Bakery. Photo: BARBARA SUNGAILA
Different Journeys is hosting its inaugural monthly carers’ cuppa at Gaffney’s Bakery this Monday.
Carers of people with autism, or who are neurodivergent themselves, are invited to come along and find out what support is available locally.
Different Journeys CEO Mel Spencer said the idea behind carers’ cuppas was to give them the chance to talk about their individual journeys.
“We’ll have a carer peer-support officer in attendance to give the carers a chance to talk one-on-one,” she said. “They can then direct them back to whatever services are relevant to them.
“Carers may not be aware that these are around, they may not know if they’re eligible for carer supports, they may not know if they’re eligible for carer funding.”
Ms Spencer said Different Journeys worked with the Bendigo Autism Aspergers Group in the region and aimed to provide support for teens and adults with autism, as well as their families and carers.
The Heathcote monthly carers’ cuppa is on the third Monday of each month, starting 19 June, from 10.30am to 12.30pm at Gaffney’s Bakery, 63-65 High Street, Heathcote.
Booking is not necessary and drinks are provided free of charge, for further information call 0490 774 068.