
Story time fun at Tooborac PS

August 11, 2023 BY

Deep breath: Grade 3 student Grace showed off some of her bubble blowing skills at Tooborac Primary School’s recent story time. Photo: BARBARA SUNGAILA

A NEW weekly story time session at a local school is all about building community connections.

Tooborac Primary teacher Cheryl Ward said the event was something she had been wanting to do for many years.

“It’s for parents of young children to get together because there are no other groups for them in Tooborac itself,” she said. “We’re hoping that it will also engage grandparents.

Ms Ward there were many benefits for pre-schoolers taking part in the story time sessions.

“It familiarises them with school and they get to learn that it’s a friendly and safe place,” she said.

“They develop a rapport with the other children and adults and form little routines.

“It’s a fairly informal but safe, nurturing, friendly environment and it connects the community with our school and with our children.”

Story time at Tooborac Primary includes listening to a story, singing, craft and other play-based activities.

Ms Ward is hoping that the sessions will help boost pupil numbers.

“We heard about what another small school in a country district has achieved and we’re hoping we can do the same,” she said.

“Their numbers were getting low, and story time was a means of getting people to engage with the school again.

“They started with one parent and they’re now getting a weekly attendance of 30.

“We hope to build it and grow it so that it becomes a regular occurrence, whether it’s just story time, or a playgroup, or a combination of both.”

Some of the school’s current students help out each week.

“We’ve been running an Auslan program for the last 18 months,” Ms Ward said.

“Each week there’s a theme and our students will teach a song while doing Auslan signs, so it’s educational and fun.”

Story time is from 9.30 to 10.30am every Tuesday during term time; children and their carers from across the district are welcome.

Please note there will be no session on Tuesday 15 Aug due to a statewide curriculum day.


New friends: Emily was all smiles at Tooborac Primary School’s story time recently. Photo: BARBARA SUNGAILA