Students’ words light up the page

Page turner: Diploma student Julie Moran has been inspired by her involvement with painted words 2022. Photo: SUPPLIED
BENDIGO TAFE certificate IV and diploma students in professional writing and editing have launched their very own 424-page anthology, titled Painted Words 2022.
The book comprises a wide range of fiction and non-fiction pieces, covering topics from travel, to horror, to adventure and exploration.
The publication is celebrating its 18th year and has contained over 1.8 million words written by almost 400 students over that time.
Diploma student Julie Moran said her work being selected for inclusion in the book has given her the confidence to back herself as a writer.
“When your work has been through the editing process and is received positively by other writers, you begin to think of yourself as an author, a poet or both,” she said.
“You feel a great sense of achievement, satisfaction and validation for your ideas and creativity. It’s inspiring.”
Bendigo TAFE professional writing and editing teacher Peter Wiseman said compiling the book has provided students with the opportunity to participate in a real-world, hands-on project that has helped prepare them for the world of writing, editing, and publishing.
“The experience of project management, calling for submissions and completing structural editing, copy editing, proofreading and author liaison, then following the book through the printing process and shipping has an enormously beneficial impact on their writing too,” he said.
Painted Words 2022 is now available to be loaned from Bendigo TAFE’s City Campus Library, the Bendigo Library, the State Library Victoria, and the National Library of Australia in Canberra.