Taking steps towards healthier eating

Great quality: Heathcote Community House volunteer Deb Bond accepts a fresh apple from BCHS Health Promotion Officer Moni Sonsuwan. Photos: SANDRA JAMES
BENDIGO Community Health Services (BCHS) staff are making it easier for locals to take the first step towards healthier eating by providing free fruit at locations throughout the region.
The Heathcote First Steps Free Fruit Stand was launched at Heathcote Community House on Tuesday.
“Take the First Step is a mass media campaign, focusing on healthy eating and active living,” BCHS Health Promotion Officer Moni Sonsuwan said.
“We are encouraging healthy eating and active living within the wider greater Bendigo community to improve the health and fitness of our community.
“The latest Active Living Census reported that only 48 per cent of the Greater Bendigo population met the guideline of two serves of fruit per day (Healthy Heart of Victoria, 2019).

“Several barriers to eating the recommended servings of fruit and vegetables in Greater Bendigo have been identified. These include lack of time, personal preference or habit, cost, diet or health restrictions and lack of awareness or agreement with the healthy eating guidelines.
“This is why we are offering free fresh fruit to residents to increase easily accessible healthy food choices.”
Fresh fruit stands are already available at BCHS sites and at headspace Bendigo.
Two more stands, at Kangaroo Flat and Long Gully, will be launched in February.
“How fortunate we are to be part of this initiative,” community house executive officer Vicki Forde said.
“We will be giving the stand maximum exposure through our HCCB lunches and taking it to the various off-site activities we are part of.
“Everyone is welcome to sample the beautiful, quality fruit at community house.”
Heathcote Community House is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm.