Teddy bear picnic a big hit

February 3, 2023 BY

Big Ted: Aged care residents joined in the fun at a recent teddy bears’ picnic. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE Heathcote and Surrounds All Ages Activities Committee are celebrating the success of their recent teddy bears’ picnic.

Committee spokesperson Ruth Austin said they visited residents at Heathcote Heath Aged Care Facility to get the fun started.

“There was a game and a sing-along,” she said. “Sharing chocolates was a hit.”

The action then moved to Barrack Reserve where a small but enthusiastic crowd joined in pin the bowtie on the teddy, a three-legged race, musical statues, t-ball, and a teddy bear competition.

“We had a teddy bear that was 60 years old and one that was only received at Christmas,” Ms Austin said.

Ms Austin also said hot weather stopped the advertised pie eating competition from going ahead.

“Be careful, you just never know when we will be holding that competition,” she said.

The committee have several events planned for coming months including an anti-valentines trivia night on Tuesday, 14 February, followed by a town clean-up on Sunday, 5 March.

They are also seeking donations for an Easter egg hunt in April.

New volunteers are always welcome, and the committee can be contacted at [email protected].