The games we played

April 4, 2024 BY

Wonderful memories: Ange Graystone led the fun as Barbara Clement, Mary Thomas, Christine Stephenson and Trish Ring recalled hobbies and games of the past. Photo: SANDRA JAMES

ATTENDEES enjoyed a fun-filled walk down Memory Lane last week at the Heathcote Library.

Hobbies and games were featured in one of the library’s popular Memory Place sessions.

Library Service Officer Ange Graystone opened a special kit filled with toys, games and hobbies from the past.

“You never know what is in each kit,” said Ms Graystone.

“Library staff put them together, sourcing op shops in the district to find all sorts of treasures.”

Among the items in the Hobbies and Games kit were books, dominoes, pick-up-sticks and a tennis racket press.

Some of the younger attendees had never seen a tennis racket press but it was very familiar to the older participants. “I still have mine,” said Barbara Clement, “with my old racket in it.

“I guess younger people wouldn’t know we used to have wooden rackets and we had to put them into a press after every game to keep the strings tight.”

As Ms Graystone brought out each item, participants shared their memories.

“We always have lots of laughs at these sessions,” she said.

“Some people have similar memories while others have very different ones.

“The items are great prompts as often we’ve forgotten all about many of them.”

Goldfields Library will be holding more Memory Place session at various locations in the coming months.

“More people should attend them,” said Ms Clement.

“They are lots of fun.”