Younger members invited to join U3A activities
U3A Heathcote is seeking new members.
The University of the Third Age connects members through shared interests and activities.
“Membership is generally for semi-retired or retired persons,” said President Nancy Miller.
“But as our membership is growing older, with the average age 70 to 85 years, we need to start recruiting younger members.
“As president, I would like to encourage younger members to join, as they bring fresh ideas to an organisation.
“Current U3A Heathcote groups are a book group, creative writing, singing, current affairs, lunch group, cryptic crossword, gardening, chair-based exercise stretching group and movies.
“These activities are all held during the day on different days of each week during the month.
“That is not to say that some of these activities could not run during the evening for younger members of the community with their own convenor.”
U3A Heathcote holds regular morning coffee get-togethers.
“Our morning coffee get together has seen great presentations of relevant topics to our membership,” said Ms Miller.
“This will again be an activity in 2025 with guest speakers the committee sought out at the Be Well Be Connected expo held in Heathcote in October 2024.
“We also intend to be at some of the monthly markets held in Heathcote to inform the local community what our organization is about and to encourage membership.
“Enrolment day will be held on Wednesday 29 January commencing at 10.00am at the Guide Hall. Fees are $50 for single members and $80 for couple membership.”
U3A Heathcote can be contacted at [email protected] and welcomes approaches from anyone interested in running activities, being on committee, or just taking part in what is on offer.