Suburb by suburb snapshot – East Bendigo

November 19, 2022 BY

East Bendigo is approximately 11.2 square kilometres and in 2016 the population was recorded at 2100 people.

By the 2021 Census the population had increased to 2246, growth of 7 per cent in the area during that time.

East Bendigo, a residential and industrial suburb, is east of the Bendigo to Echuca railway line and north of the McIvor Highway.

It extends north to the suburb of White Hills, but the actual White Hill, which is 231 metres tall, is in East Bendigo.

The railway has a line running west to Kerang, and until 1958 was also the junction for the line from Heathcote to Bendigo.

The railway junction made it a convenient transport point for livestock shipped to the Bendigo saleyards in Charleston Street.

The saleyards had an adjacent council abattoir and the Victorian Co-op meat freezing works established in 1922 in Strickland Street.

There were other industrial activities like the Charleston Street sawmill, the Bendigo flourmill built in 1912, a hardware supplies yard, and a municipal road-making depot.

There was also the Newmarket Hotel at the Nolan Street corner and the Fleece Inn at the Lloyd Street corner.

The increased population led to a primary school opening in Strickland Road in 1916.

After World War One, a progress association was formed which helped to get a swimming pool built in 1931, made of red gum sides and a sand base, near the saleyards.

After World War Two the East Bendigo Bowling Club opened next door in 1946

In more recent years all the major industrial activities have departed the area.

The saleyards were relocated to Maiden Gully – west of Bendigo, the abattoirs closed in the 1970s, the railway workshops that employed over 400 people making and repairing locomotives and rolling stock in the 1980s were downsized in the 1990s and closed in 2002.

CoreLogic data indicates that the predominant age group in East Bendigo is 20-29 years with households primarily childless couples likely to be repaying $1000 to $1399 per month on mortgages.

In general, people in East Bendigo work in a professional occupation.



East Bendigo bowling club opened in 1946.

This three-bedroom East Bendigo home sold recently for $525,000.


Population: 2246

Male: 48%

Female: 52%

Median age: 45

5-year population change: 7%

House median value: $544,000

Change in Median Price: (5yrs) is 79.2%

Median asking rent per week: $390

Average length of ownership: 10 years

Owner occupiers: 63%

Renters: 37%


House median sale price:

July 2022: $560,000

July 2021: $430,500

July 2020: $388,000

July 2019: $368,000

July 2018: $325,000


House sales per annum:

Period ending July 2022: 44

Period ending July 2021: 59


Land median sale price:

July 2022: $367,000

July 2021: $322,000


Land sales per annum:

Period ending July 2022: 8

Period ending July 2021: 15