Bowlers roll up for Binney Memorial triples

May 31, 2024 BY

THE D.M. Binney Memorial Triples will be played on Heathcote Bowling Club’s greens from 10am this Sunday.

A working bee to prepare for the event will be held today at 1pm.

Social bowls is on tomorrow from 1pm.

Conditions were ideal for last Saturday’s three games of pairs and triples.

Winners were Blake Barri (s), Richard Edwards and Cheryl Flower, three wins, 43 points, +15 shots. It was a sole victory for all other teams.

Jackpot was won by Peter Cunningham, Duncan McGann and Ralph Scott. A group of 20 played three games of pairs and triples on May 22 social bowls. No team won three games.

Winners on the points system were Rod Hanson (s) and Ralph Scott, two wins, 33 points, +19 shots.

Runners-up were C. Morcom (s) and Denis Carrol, two wins, 32 points, +4 shots. Jackpot was not won.